Wednesday, November 14, 2007

week 6, #15 Library 2.0

The key principles of Library 2.0 are not just about access to books and information. It is about innovation, about people, and about community building, enabled through the participation that social computing brings. It achieves this through trust and encouraging users to share ideas through writing, rating, and commenting against everything in the library's collection. It even makes the collection open to developers to use, re-use and improve!

Week 6, #14 Technorati

I did the advanced search "learning2.0", and found the results are different. By keyword search the results are 158, By tags the results are 130, and by blog directory the results are 126. The favorite blog #1 is Boing Boing (2987 member have made this a favorite). The top blogs #1 is Engadget. This is very a very interesting way doing search.

week 6 # 13 is a very powerful way to do the website search. It is easy way to find all the source you need. It is also a organized way to sort all the favorite websites. You can use it to bookmark all the favorite websites and add a tag to each one, then it will automatically sort by tag. Next time, when you need any information you just do the tag search. It is super easy!

Week 5 #12 Library Elf

"Library Elf" is a good tool, especially for the person who is too busy to remember everything. It is a reminder to let you know when the book will be due and your request is ready to pick up. It is very useful.

Week 5, #11 My library

I created my own Library on "My Library Thing". The link is below:

week 5 #10 avatar

Yahoo! Avatars