Saturday, December 8, 2007

week 10, #23 Happy Ending

When I first started my "New Adventure", I mentioned that I was not computer savvy but wanted to take on the challenge. I am very proud of myself that I was able to keep up and even completed every exercise. I learned that you can do anything if you don't give up to quickly. I've also learned that when you set yourself goals you have to remain positive. It was a real fun adventure for me.

week 9, #22 Downloadable Media

I went to the iHcpl digital site and I liked the Kids and Teens because I like children books and they have options where I could burn e-book to my CD . This would be very convenient for me and I wouldn't have to check out books.

week 9 #21 Podcast

I went to and chose the Kids & Teens because I am interested in the updates of kids and teens actions. I subscribed this web as a feed to my blogline.

week 9, #20 YouTube

If you can not see this video please click here

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week 8, # 19 About Zoho

I created an account on Zoho and used some functions to edit a picture and post to my blog.

This is the cutest baby angel.

week 8 #18 Social Networking

I went to the Social Networking and I found one that I liked and it is the Yahoo 360. I like it because you can go and look at other peoples blogs, photos, and their interests.

The one I dislike is the Dogster, Catster. I do not like this one because I am not an animal lover.

Monday, December 3, 2007

week 7 #17 New Technology

I like CD Players because when traveling a long distance it helps the time pass away quickly. I love music.

Week 7 #16 About Wiki

I open my Wiki account and added my blog to the favorite page.